Wednesday, May 4, 2016


As a writer my greatest inspiration is to live. My greatest task is to experience. Writers capture experiences just as photographers capture moments.
I read somewhere that writers are people who pay attention to the world, and I full heatedly agree. 
A writer is someone who is fascinated by the world. Someone who has fallen in love with it and taken the task upon themselves to capture even just a fragment of its beauty. A writer is a singular person who sees that stories are not made by divine heroes; they are not told by narrators and they are not about ascendance's towards a climax. 
Stories are made and told by ordinary people; just like you and me. 

As for me, I want to write love poems about the world, because I am still so newly in love with all that surrounds me. I want to make you and me heroes in a story of our own. I want to understand the villains that knock about our lives and tell their stories just as fiercely.
I want to write things beyond the count of pages, beyond the count of words. Things you could not possibly fit into chapters, or even entire books; things with which I could fill libraries. 
God is the painter of an extraordinary diverse and manifolded universe. Every explicit detail is as eternally intricate as the stars. He has signed his heavenly mark even within the tips of our fingers. Everything, both heavenly, and earthly, is based upon his brush strokes.  
I want to write about the colors of his pictures. You and I, we are a work of art. I want to write about us. I want to make your story my Odyssey.